Art • Comedy • Culture
Art and political satire through images and painting.
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November 10, 2021
The 'greater good'.

For those who see mandates as a feature of the 'public good' need to remember that history is a cruel master.

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December 15, 2023
John Hagan satire
December 15, 2023
John Hagan a video of beauty and satire only.
February 06, 2023
December 15, 2023
John Hagan satire that got me banned from Twitter.
February 06, 2023
Covidians Satire

Satirical look at the last 2 years of the covidian scam

From 'Imagopaint Beauty' Portfolio (by John Hagan). The beauty Ablindeye is promoting is that which is not deviant or demeaning. painting genre portrait realism.
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